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What Does Your $2 Morning Coffee Cost Planet Blue?


Good Morning from Toronto! Today all you coffee lovers and Eco Chic friends are in for a real treat! One of my good friends, Tiffany is featured today as Eco Chic Cayman’s guest blogger!   Enjoy her lovely article!

Ask anyone who knows me and they’ll tell you that I drink a lot of coffee. Java Juice fuels my hectic dual student-career lifestyle. But every time I walk into my neighborhood Starbucks & say my round of “good mornings” to the team of Baristas who know me & my schedule almost better than I do, I’m haunted by guilt. I forgot the re-usable tumbler…again. Here goes another cup & sleeve against my carbon footprint.
Even if they are made of recycled and/or bio-friendly materials, paper cups and sleeves still need to be produced and this impacts our planet. Americans are the leading consumers of coffee in the world collectively drinking 400 million cups of coffee per day or around 146 billion cups of coffee per year; if you buy just one cup of coffee in a disposable cup every day, you’ll creating about 23 lbs of waste in one year ( That’s a lot of cups and sleeves!
So what can we do? Relax. You don’t have to stop drinking your Starbucks, Secondcup or other brand of choice. But do consider these options…
1) Bring your own cup. Once you get into (or back into) the habit of providing your own cup you’ll find it to be quite beneficial. For one thing, your beverage stays warmer longer if you invest in a thermos; no cold coffee! Also, many coffee chains will offer a small discount as a thank-you for saving the cup ($0.10 off at Starbucks adds up).
2) Handy Handle. Thanks to EcoChic I’ve discovered the handiness of this little guy. If you have to take a paper cup, at least skip the sleeve! I carry this re-usable guy with me everywhere.
3) Stay AwhileIf you are planning on hanging out in that awesome café atmosphere, then ask for a mug instead of paper. Tres Chic!
When you begin to realize that even the simple things like your daily coffee have an impact of more than your energy level, you also begin to realize how easy it is to make a difference. So, go be Green!
If you’re interested in reading more on the impact of paper & styrofoam cups check out EAA’s article here:
Tiffany Morgan is an English MA student, writer, & primary blogger at
Huge thanks to Tiffany for this great article on how to be eco friendly while drinking coffee! Want to read more great articles by Tiffany? Please check out her very cool blog  CreativeLuv ! Enjoy! 
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