All posts tagged: daybreak 27

Meatless Monday

  It’s Earth Week!  To kickoff the week, let’s start out with joining the movement, known as “Meatless Monday.” For all of you whole love bacon and eggs, a good burger, or steak, consider giving up meat for one day out of the week. Join the global movement known as “Meatless Monday” and go vegetarian or vegan for just one day out of the week, Monday. The planet will thank you for it. This challenge can be fun, you can get creative in the kitchen. I love to cook and find new recipes on Pinterest.  Feel free to explore the world of Pinterest for vegan and vegetarian meals, going meatless for one day doesn’t have to be a burden. Special thanks to Daybreak 27, for the opportunity to talk about Meatless Monday.  You can watch my interview with Edlyn Ruiz, click here. Meatless Monday was launched in 2003 in collaboration with the Center for a Livable Future (CLF) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The goal behind the movement is to reduce meat consumption by 15% …