All posts tagged: dumping trash into the ocean

The Ocean Is Not A Trash Can

(Photo Credit: CBS News) Spolier Alert: The ocean is not a trash can. Did you know? There’s six times more plastic than phytoplankton in all oceans, and according to the UN Environmental Programme a minimum of 46,000 floating pieces of plastic for every square kilometer of Earth’s oceans in their entirety. -Huffington Post Unfortunately, the ocean is increasingly becoming a common dumping ground for trash.  Plastic and other trash keeps making its way into the ocean and wreaking havoc on marine life.  In particular, plastic is a major concern. When marine life ingest what is known as micro-plastics they can die as a result.  Additionally, plastic poses other threats to marine life, such as causing animals to become entangled or strangled by nets and plastic 6-pack soda rings. Sadly, marine life are becoming victims of man’s carelessness of polluting the ocean.  Ocean pollution not only harms and endangers marine life but it also disrupts the balance of the health of the ocean.   (Photo Credit: One Green Planet) The Dangers of Plastic and Other Trash Floating …