All posts tagged: earth day pledge

Pledge To Love Planet Earth: Earth Day 2015

Happy Earth Day everyone! Earth Day was founded by Gaylord Nelson in 1970.  Today marks the 45th anniversary of what is considered the birth of a modern environmental movement.  The aim was to encourage emerging consciousness of environmental movements and inspire individuals to rally together to take a stand for the environment, pushing environmental concerns to the forefront, and become the focus of discussion and news stories. Today, in honor of Earth Day, friends, family and co-workers can take an Earth Day challenge and pledge to commit to one or more of these easy to keep green resolutions. During Earth Week, we become more conscious of the environment and our impact on the planet. We get into “green mode” anticipating celebrating Earth Day and feel inspired to be as environmentally responsible as possible.  These 5 green resolutions are easy to do, and will help you to contribute to making a positive impact on planet earth, this Earth Day. Earth Day Challenge: 5 Green Resolutions 1. Get Unplugged I often talk about the necessity to unplug electronic devices when …