All posts tagged: keep our beaches clean

Parley For The Oceans: The Tide of Change

The majesty of the ocean is astounding. The ocean is perhaps the most important ecosystem on the planet. Home to thousands of marine species, and coral reefs. Consider the words of Captain Paul Watson, “If the oceans die, we die.” Or, Dr. Sylvia Earle, “No blue, no green.” Both sentiments resonate with the logic that the ocean is the very heart of our planet. Every second breath we take comes from the ocean—undoubtedly the ocean is our greatest life-support system.  Our survival is dependent upon healthy oceans.  Yet, we do not cherish the ocean with the dignity and respect is so deserves. Over the past few decades, we have treated the ocean as a bottomless trash can— 8 tons of plastic enters the ocean every year. The ocean was never designed nor intended to be a trash can. Now, we are waking up to the reality of the environmental impact our lifestyle of convenience has made and one of the biggest issues is the epidemic of plastic pollution in our oceans. Plastic pollution is disrupting …