All posts tagged: palm oil

The Wild Ones: 5 Endangered Wildlife Species

Happy World Environment Day! Today, we celebrate World Environment Day.  This year’s theme is appropriately fitting, “Wild for Wildlife.”  Currently, various wildlife species are in crisis as they are faced with loss of their habitat and poaching.  This World Environment Day, we are all encouraged to help raise awareness on behalf of wildlife that being illegally poached and are rapidly declining in population. Check out this fantastic video by the United Nations It is an unnerving thought to think that some species might no longer exist if change doesn’t happen.  For instance, if bees or even sharks no longer inhabited the planet what would happen? Very likely, the eco-system would collapse. The environment and world as we know it would go into chaos.  All animals play a significant role in the eco-system and their part is fundamental to keeping an overall balance in our world’s eco-system.  Therefore, it is important that we all work together to raise awareness and do our part in helping to protect the environment and wildlife. Below are 5 endangered wildlife species  …