All posts tagged: water usage facts

Top 5 Green Resolutions for 2016

  Happy New Year! Goodbye 2015 and hello 2016! Just over a week into the new year and I am sure many of you are still going strong with your New Year’s Resolutions.  This year consider throwing a green resolution or two into the mix. Last year, the UN held their climate conference in Paris.  The biggest takeaway is that climate change is a global issue, it is real and it is a part of our reality.  Whether we like it or not, man does in fact contribute to climate change. However, there are simple things we can do in our lifestyle to help reduce our carbon footprint. This morning I had the pleasure of being on Daybreak 27 with Edlyn Ruiz.  To view my interview please check back for a special blog post or visit my Facebook Page. Here are my Top 5 Green Resolutions for 2016 Switch to Energy Efficient Bulbs Changing your light bulbs to energy efficient ones can help reduce not only your carbon footprint but your electricity bills. So, it …