All posts tagged: nature

Wanderlust: Take Me To The Ocean!

Many of us might be finding ourselves reminiscing about our past travels or dreaming about the day when we will be able to travel the world again visiting our favorite places or checking destinations off our travel wishlist.  In the meantime, a trip to the beach might be the very ‘travel’ adventure you need.  Living in the Cayman Islands has its privileges.  Being surrounded by alluring turquoise waters with an exquisite underwater world to explore makes the Cayman Islands a true paradise.  You can’t help but want to dive in.   The experience of lockdown, social distancing, and the global pandemic has given us an opportunity to reflect on life.  Some of us, find ourselves more appreciative than ever for the simple things in life.  Nature has been an incredible outlet for many to find solace, escape the stress or craziness of the day, feel rejuvenated, inspired and a place to find peace to calm one’s mind.  Reconnecting with nature can have a positive impact on your mental health and wellbeing— whether through a walk …

Earth Day 50th Anniversary

Happy Earth Day! Today marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day.  Remember we are all connected through nature.  I encourage you to take a moment and appreciate the beauty of nature.  Nature is an incredible life support system and we all depend on a healthy environment.  A simple way we can all celebrate Earth Day is by spending a few minutes outside just walking around our gardens and appreciating all the trees, flowers, wildlife, and the beauty of nature that surrounds our home.  Have you noticed you can hear birds singing in the morning? Do you see more butterflies fluttering around?  Maybe you will discover flowers or wildlife that will brighten your day.  Spending time outdoors and reconnecting with nature, even in your home garden is a great way to clear your mind, reduce stress and anxiety.  Nature has an incredible ability to feed the human soul.     Right now, it seems like life has hit a reset button, and nature is healing.  This gives us an opportunity to take some time to slow down our …

Holiday Survival Guide: Nature Fitness Challenge

’Tis the season for a lot of holiday cheer, gift giving, holiday parties, fabulous eating and spending time with friends and family.  This time of year can get a little crazy, running around checking everything off our ‘To Do List’ and fitting in time for everyone and all of our holiday parties and dinners— not to mention work.  As it is the busiest time of year for everyone, it is easy to become feeling overwhelmed and stressed out.  Breathe! After all, it is the most wonderful time of the year.  Might we offer a solution to finding some time for yourself?  Take time out of your day even if it is just 5-10 minutes to spend outdoors.  Reconnecting with nature will help you reset and recharge.  Being immersed in nature can have a positive impact on your health, well-being, mind, body and soul.  (Nature is truly great for that.). While you are outdoors taking some time for yourself and recharging, why not include a very easy-to-do exercise challenge?  It is a win-win! It keeps you …

40 Seconds Odelberg

If you love exploring nature, wildlife encounters and discovering the treasures of the ocean, then get ready for an amazing new show with one of Sweden’s most respected conservationists, Joakim Odelberg.  As a conservationist, wildlife photographer, underwater filmmaker and TV host, Odelberg has a vast amount of incredible stories to share.  His devotion to conservation is admirable and inspiring.  The show is designed as a short format concept.  The idea is for Joakim Odelberg to answer one question about his experience as a conservationist within 40 seconds per episode.  The show creates a unique platform for viewers to connect with a respected conservationist to learn more about conservation.  Viewers also have access to an inside look into what life is like as a world explorer devoted to conservation.  Viewers can submit questions via email, or leave a comment on Mr. Odelberg’s Instagram page.  The show can be watched by subscribing to Mr. Odelberg’s Youtube channel.  Joakim Odelberg developed the show with Annica Lindeberg and Purple Stockholm.  Emma Watson will be a producer for the show.  …

Get Unplugged and Reconnect with Nature

Earth Hour is tomorrow!  A symbolic lights out event, taking place Saturday, 24 March from 8:30pm-9:30pm worldwide.  Committing to turning off unnecessary lights for Earth Hour, is a symbolic gesture of uniting in solidarity to raise awareness about climate change and environmental issues.  It is the perfect time to get unplugged and reconnect with nature. On that note, here are some eco tips and a challenge for you this Earth Hour.  A great way to help the planet, lower your electricity bill and your carbon footprint, is by simply unplugging items not in use.  When items are plugged in that are not needed, or when your laptops or iPads are being charged longer than they need to be it is a waste of electricity.  This is known as phantom electricity.  When your smartphones, iPads, iPods and other devices are fully charged, unplug them.  It is an easy habit to forget about your devices that are in the charger and allow them to absorb more power than they need. While on the topic of being unplugged, …

Dive Into Coral Reef Conservation

Grand Cayman Eco Divers has officially launched their non-profit foundation “Eco Divers Reef Foundation” established 28 November 2017 and is based in the Cayman Islands.  Founders Brittany Balli and Aaron Hunt, are a husband and wife team, that are dedicated to their Coral Nursery Program aimed to restore fragile and damaged reefs in the Cayman Islands.  A primary focus of their coral conservation efforts is maintaining local coral nurseries and coral out plant sites.  Since the inception of coral nurseries in the Cayman Islands it has proven to be successful.  Likewise, they are devoted to ensuring a positive future for Cayman’s reefs by educating the youth and the community of the Cayman Islands about the importance of coral reefs, ocean conservation and the proper techniques of working with coral nurseries.  Their non-profit foundation was created as a separate organization from their dive company Grand Cayman Eco Divers to help generate funding for coral conservation efforts in the Cayman Islands. Conserving Cayman’s Reefs   Over the last few decades, the Cayman Islands has seen a significant …